Igor Aleksandrov's Picture

Hello, 👋. My name is Igor Aleksandrov.
I am CTO of JetRockets, Docker Captain and a software engineer with more than 15 years of experience.

Featured Article

Rails Dockerfile Best Practices – Part 1: Image Slimming

This article is a part of a series of posts where I will walk through every line of the Rails default Dockerfile and explain the best practices and optimizations.

Docker images can be optimized in different ways that include, but are not limited to, image size reduction, build performance optimization, security, and maintainability best practices, and application-specific optimizations. In the first article, I will touch only image size reduction optimization and explain why they are important.

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Use Docker to template local database

How often do you reset your local development database? Depending on the task I am working on, I can do this even ten times a day. The reasons can be different. You or your teammate pushed an irreversible migration, which is of course not the best practice, but happens in the real life. Or you simply corrupted the data while implementing some new functionality.

Rails Thruster 101

While we are waiting for the Rails World 2024 conference to start and Kamal 2 to be released, I decided to make some preparations for the upcoming changes in the Rails ecosystem.

In March 2024 Basecamp team released Thruster a small, Go-based proxy server for Rails. While the original idea of Thruster was to provide an ability to build production-ready Rails applications from a single container for the ONCE project, it will fit perfectly to the Kamal ecosystem.

Upgrading Rails application from 7.1 to 7.2

On August 9th, Rails 7.2 was released, bringing a host of new features and improvements to the framework. Ten months ago, I demonstrated how to upgrade a Rails application from 7.0 to 7.1, which was well-received by the community. Today, I will take you through the process of upgrading OneTribe from Rails 7.1 to 7.2. This upgrade not only ensures compatibility with the latest Rails enhancements but also allows me to better understand new Rails functionalities and performance optimizations. Let’s dive into the upgrade process and explore what Rails 7.2 has to offer.