Igor Alexandrov's Picture

Hello, 👋. My name is Igor Alexandrov.
I am CTO of JetRockets and a software engineer with more than 15 years of experience.

Featured Article

Traefik Tuning for Rails Applications (part 1)

For many years Nginx has been a default solution to serve as a reverse proxy for Rails applications. However, with the release of Kamal, the Rails community opened Traefik as a new reverse proxy solution. Within my 15 years of experience with Rails, I created an almost perfect configuration for Nginx that migrated through all my projects. With Traefik, I had to start from scratch.

Latest Articles

Lazy-load offscreen iframes!

A week ago I finished update of this website and it was my first front-end related task in a while. I’ve learned a lot of new things that I want to share with you. The may sound obvious for some of you, but I still think they deserve to be mentioned. One of them is lazy-loading offscreen iframes.

Maybe – open-source personal finance app

In this episode, I explore the Maybe finance code base. The original version of Maybe was written in React and then open-sourced. In February 2024, Josh Pigford started to rewrite it in Rails. What is done within two months, what can be improved, what tools and libraries are used – all these in this video.

Basecamp's Kamal code walkthrough

The first video on the Ruby&Beyond YouTube channel. In this episode, I explore Basecamp’s Kamal codebase. Since this is the first video on the channel, I try to explain why I decided to start it, what motivates me, and what I plan to record in the future.

Traefik Tuning for Rails Applications (part 1)

For many years Nginx has been a default solution to serve as a reverse proxy for Rails applications. However, with the release of Kamal, the Rails community opened Traefik as a new reverse proxy solution. Within my 15 years of experience with Rails, I created an almost perfect configuration for Nginx that migrated through all my projects. With Traefik, I had to start from scratch.

Evolution of GitHub Action for Kamal

Right after my first try of Kamal (MRSK) in the spring of 2023, I understood that an ideal use case would be running it as a GitHub Action. Almost a year passed, and my 30-line action has grown and become full-featured, configurable, and reusable. In this post, I will share the evolution of the action and the lessons learned.