Public Speeches

This page lists my public speeches, talks, podcasts, and interviews as a Ruby programmer, co-founder, and CTO of a consulting company. Topics include, but are not limited to, technology, programming, leadership, and entrepreneurship. I've spoken at conferences, meetups, and podcasts worldwide, and I'm always looking for new opportunities to share my experiences and knowledge with others. Please [contact me](contact-me) via the form or reach me in the social networks.

Besides the list below, you can also check my own YouTube channel for more videos.

NYC Ruby Meetup Online

Kamal 2 – Docker Orchestration Tool

IndieRails Online

JetRockets Origins

Хекслет (Hexlet) Online

Can Ruby be the first language for beginners?

JetRockets and OBLSK Online

Exploring Basecamp's Campfire Code

GemRuby Show Online

Igor Alexandrov, Wiselinks

Кода Кода Online

Как работать на стартапы из Долины

Хекслет (Hexlet) Online

Стоит ли программистам работать в JetRockets

Crystal 1.0 Conference Online

How to migrate from Ruby to Crystal 1.0

Saint P Ruby Meetup 2020 Saint Petersburg, Russia

Crystal for Rubists

Запуск Завтра Online

Как жить в ритме Твери и работать в ритме Нью-Йорка

RubyRussia 2019 Moscow, Russia

Not the Rails Way

Moscow Ruby Meetup Moscow, Russia

Not the Rails Way

DevConf 2013 Moscow, Russia

Биллинг в SaaS-системах на Rails

RubySPB 2013 Saint Petersburg, Russia

Биллинг в SaaS-системах на Rails